Earth Sheltered Home Design ManualBy popular demand, we have created a manual that describes in detail the building of the earth sheltered home and office of the Tennessee Center for Survival Studies. This manual is packed with new information, additional pictures, building tips, a floor plan, and construction diagrams. Additionally, all of the information concerning earth sheltered homes on this web site is included in the manual.
not included on this web site! The investment for the complete package is only $25, plus $5 for shipping and handling. To order the Earth Sheltered Home Design Manual, send a check or a money order to: Quest Enterprises Or you may use your Mastercard, Visa, or American Express credit card by using our secure, online order form or you can call 888.446.2572. Good luck with your project and if I can be of any additional help, just e-mail me! Sincerely,John McMillian Quest Enterprises specifically disclaims any warranty, either expressed or implied, concerning the information on these pages. We will have no liability for loss, damage, or injury, resulting from the use of any information found of this, or any other web page we have created.
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