Now, complete in one reference source, not only find out what you can do to prepare yourself and your loved ones for disasters; but also, discover the techniques necessary to survive:
The multimedia publication includes numerous video segments, photographs, charts, and illustrations. Hypertext links are used to aid in searching for vital information and critical pages may be printed out for use in the field! This is truly an encyclopedia of survival and is the culmination of thousands of hours of research and investigation. The information contained in this e-book is from a variety of sources, including The Extension Agent's Handbook for Disaster Preparedness and Response; the Department of the Air Force, Search and Rescue Survival Manual, AFM 64-5; A Homemade Yet Accurate and Dependable Fallout Meter, ORNL-5040 Publication; Expedient Shelter Handbook, ORNL-4941; NASA; FEMA; and numerous survival and disaster preparedness experts.
The size of the preview zip file is well over a megabyte, and includes the following completely functional sections: Table Of Contents, Introduction, Acknowledgements, General Family Preparedness, Independent Power Systems, Earth Sheltered Living, and Web Page Links. The following pages offer limited functions: Radiological Accidents and Nuclear Terrorism; and Meteorite, Asteroid, and Comet Impacts. In order to conserve space on the preview version, the opening graphic of a rotating earth has been replaced with a picture, and the numerous video segments are listed, but are not included.
Click here to download the preview version of Without Warning: A Practical Guide To Surviving A Disaster, the section on General Family Preparedness alone could save your life or the life of a loved one! Take the first step in insuring your family's survival when disaster strikes without warning!
The name of the file is First, unzip the file. Then, in EXPLORER, click on SETUP. The program will ask a few installation questions and then install the program on your hard drive, create a program folder, and launch the e-book Without Warning.
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